A Pattern for Clean and Reusable BluePrints in UE5

How to create blueprints once, and avoid duplicating your logic across multiple actors. The Problem In our game, Act on Instinct, we wanted to have three types of actors: Characters Vechicles* Buildings All of these actors can receive damage from different sources. But, we don’t want to have to maintain duplicating logic and having three systems for damaging these actors. How can we accomplish this? * the vehicles have armor plates that take damage based on direction. [Read More]

GDEX 2023 Game Jam

Reflections on GDEX 2023 Figma prototyping trial We prototyped with Figma. We went with our original idea. Our project was built with Unreal Engine 5. The starter content got us a long way for prototyping. New work I explored in the jam I learned about combining rotations Used rotations to open doors Player camera rotations Learnings Establish early on what the fun part will be. That is where players will interact and where the focus should be. [Read More]

Nextjs Stack

On state management with easy-peasy and preferring to use formik

NX Monorepos

We run two websites. The admin part, and the end user part.

React Admin

Great product! We rapidly built out admin pages.

Shipping with TailwindCSS

TailwindCSS has been CodeWorldSo solutions find of the year for 2021. The productivity it brings to developers is miraculous. No more fiddling with CSS alignments.

  • UI Kits are amazing
  • Layout

Using firebase

Quickly get your prototype out with datastore.

Using Gatsby with GitHub API

Gatsby is best known for it’s static site capabilities. Many people miss that since its normal React, they can also create their normal webapps with it too. Normally Gatsby reads the files off of the filesystem and parses them, we can also just query the API for those same files to get the realtime capabilities normal webapps have in addition to the benefits Gatsby provides. Pulling pages from Github Instead of the normal static site generation with GraphQL in Gatsby, we will be using fetch to get data from Github. [Read More]

Creating a SPA with Gatsby

Gatsby is a static site generator with server side rendering. In practice, this means that your sites will get built on a CICD box somewhere. Your site will have static routes with static pages like / and /blog/ etc. So, what happens when you realize you need SPA functionality, as we did? Background context of our problem When we started out with GMGT, it was going to be a site with a blog, cms, and storefront. [Read More]

What I learned from Gatsby

Just wanted to document my thoughts after learning Gatsby for the past 4 months. We’ve successfully put together the Good Music Good Times site with it. Our architecture Gatsby advantages Very cheap! There is no database or application server. Only integrations. Enhanced security since your integrations are from CICD machine to APIs Very fast since you’re not making network requests Versioned content and code together Easy to debug or replicate to other environments (literally just pull) Gatsby disadvantages Not the best for single page app (SPA) but can work (not sure about scale) Changes only show after a CICD build occurs Need CICD as mentioned above (not a bad thing, just something to consider) Our simple builds take 5 minutes (maybe faster on Gatsby Cloud) Issues with libraries that assume window exists (like Firebase) Considerations The gatsby-node. [Read More]