A working typescript integration test for Firebase

There is a lack of documentation on typescript with firebase functions.

Below is a working integration test, adapted from the nodejs documentation

Note: The process part will depend on your OS.

import assert = require('assert');
import chai from 'chai';
import chaiHttp from 'chai-http';
import 'mocha';

// let childProcessPromise: ChildProcessPromise<PromiseResult<string>>;

describe('profile', function() {
    before(() => {
        // need to kill process
        // what OS will build server run?
        // childProcessPromise = exec(`firebase emulators:start`);

    after(async () => {
        // await childProcessPromise;

    it('should get a profile', function () {
        return chai.request('http://localhost:5001')
            .then((res: any) => {
            }).catch(e => {