What I learned from Gatsby

Just wanted to document my thoughts after learning Gatsby for the past 4 months. We’ve successfully put together the Good Music Good Times site with it.

Our architecture

Gatsby advantages

  • Very cheap! There is no database or application server. Only integrations.
  • Enhanced security since your integrations are from CICD machine to APIs
  • Very fast since you’re not making network requests
  • Versioned content and code together
  • Easy to debug or replicate to other environments (literally just pull)

Gatsby disadvantages

  • Not the best for single page app (SPA) but can work (not sure about scale)
  • Changes only show after a CICD build occurs
  • Need CICD as mentioned above (not a bad thing, just something to consider)
  • Our simple builds take 5 minutes (maybe faster on Gatsby Cloud)
  • Issues with libraries that assume window exists (like Firebase)


  • The gatsby-node.js file is pretty important but I glossed over it initially. You may use that file for your integrations when it builds.
  • I wonder if we could improve performance by running 1 query for all of the pages initially?
  • Things like NetlifyCMS or Gatsby Cloud may seem expensive but are worth it in the long run