GDEX 2023 Game Jam

Reflections on GDEX 2023

Figma prototyping trial

We prototyped with Figma. We went with our original idea.

Our project was built with Unreal Engine 5. The starter content got us a long way for prototyping.

New work I explored in the jam

I learned about combining rotations Used rotations to open doors Player camera rotations


  • Establish early on what the fun part will be. That is where players will interact and where the focus should be. Fun can be in the movement, art, interaction.
  • Simple mechanics to start with. You can build on them but if they are too hard then it blocks exploration of the rest of the game.
  • Difficulty mechanics can backfire. If its too hard and difficulty increases, its even more impossible.

Follow the structure

  • planning
    • brainstorming
      • can scope down
      • first idea is often the best one, but can pull other ideas in
      • dont worry about originality, can take games and add a twist
    • plan out what you want
    • limit your scope
      • divide your systems and mechanics
    • complete a simple one
    • MOSCOW method
      • must, should, could, wont


In total, we had 6 dev builds for playtesting and 3 release candidates. Doing many builds was the right decision for sure and let us find issues early.


Future Thoughts

parallelizing work

  • UI stuff
    • title, settings
    • in-game widgets
  • sounds
  • art
    • models
    • materials
    • decals
  • gameplay
  • big picture programming
  • programming the individual pieces
    • characters, ai, nav, movement, puzzles, features